Bowland Brewery

Are You old enough for a tipple?

oh yes not yet

neil devine – Lead Driver

Where do you live: Clitheroe

How long have you been at Bowland brewery?    Roughly nine years – although I took 11 months off in-between to visit Australia and spend time with my family over there. I started when the brewery was still down at the old site at Bashall Barn and then saw it relocated temporarily to what is now the Food Hall at Holmes Mill and then to its current home next to the Beer Hall.

What attracted you to a career in the brewing sector?   I worked as a chef for nearly nine years and needed a change of scenery – which I definitely get while driving all over the northwest of England. Thanks to the expansion of our sales territory, we now deliver as far north as Ulverston, across to York and down to Chester.

Have you worked for other breweries?   No.

What makes Bowland Brewery and its products special?   Given that I’ve been here from nearly day one, I’ve seen how the operation has grown and evolved in terms of both scale and complexity and to be honest, it’s been an impressive journey.

What’s the best aspect of your job?   Driving to new places, meeting new customers and keeping in touch with customers I’ve known for years.

Most memorable beer experience?   It has to be sitting in a bar overlooking Sydney harbour with Sydney Opera House in the background whilst visiting family over in Australia.

If you were to order a taster flight in Bowland beer hall, which three Bowland ales would you pick?    Bumble, IPA and Bowland Gold.

What’s your favourite Bowland limited edition beer?   Hoppy Hedgehog

Favourite delivery route?   It has to be the drive up to Hawkshead in the Lake District: mountains as far as the eye can see and even the occasional fighter jet streaking through the valleys on training sorties up there.

Favourite view in the Forest of Bowland?   The drive back from Settle through the rolling hills, pastureland and woodland of the Forest of Bowland

Favourite pub in the Bowland area?   The Shireburn Arms at Hurst Green: lovely views from the beer garden looking out across the fields down to the River Ribble.


Rob Brass – Driver

Where do you live? Clitheroe

How long have you been with Bowland Brewery?   Five years

What attracted you to a career in brewing?   I am interested in many different styles of beer and I like being out on the road interacting with customers. Also being a physical job it helps with my fitness.

What makes Bowland Brewery and its products so special?   We are a very close-knit team with a high level of expertise and commitment to what we do.

What’s the best aspect of your job?   For me, no two days are the same. We cover a wide area and frequently get to see new places and faces.

Most memorable beer experience?   The first time I went to ‘Indy-Man’ beer convention, a showcase of British and worldwide brewery talent which takes places in a Victorian Bath House! A unique experience.

If you were to order a taster flight in Bowland Beer Hall, which three Bowland Ales would you choose?   Boxer Blonde, Bumble, Deer Stalker.

What’s your favourite Bowland limited edition beer?   Shortly before the 2020 lockdown we brewed ‘Biere Rouge’ a red ale. Unfortunately it never had a proper release but I was allowed to take some home to enjoy.

Favourite delivery route?  Garstang, Lancaster, Kirkby Lonsdale, Ulverston and Hawkshead. Amazing views!

Favourite view in the Forest of Bowland?  Coming over the hill from Bashall Eaves to the Inn at Whitewell, nothing but unspoilt countryside in sight.

Favourite pub in Bowland?   It’s a tie between the Assheton Arms, where I took my future wife on our first date, and Bowland Beer Hall, because it’s like a beer festival every week in there and the engine room is so atmospheric.

tom gatens – Driver

Where do you live: Clitheroe

How long have you been at Bowland brewery?   Just six months. I’m the new boy – still learning the ropes.

What attracted you to a career in the brewing sector?  I know some of the lads who work for Bowland Brewery and they always seemed to enjoy work, so when a job came up, I was keen to apply. I do like a beer, so this is a bit of a labour of love.

Have you worked for other breweries?  No. Before joining Bowland Brewery, I was a drainage engineer. This is a lot more fun!

What makes Bowland Brewery and its products special?   It’s a great place to work and people look out for each other. It really feels like one big family. I’m always interested to get feedback from customers on new beers and the brewers are really keen to hear what customers think.

What’s the best aspect of your job?  The variety – no two days are the same and I love discovering new places I’ve not visited before. It’s also good to meet new people – some of our customers are real characters!

Most memorable beer experience?  Visiting Berlin with a bunch of mates and soaking up the atmosphere and sampling a real variety of different beer styles in the amazing bars and bierkellers over there.

If you were to order a taster flight in Bowland beer hall, which three Bowland ales would you pick?   Bumble, IPA and Deer Stalker.

What’s your favourite Bowland limited edition beer?  Hoppy Hedgehog

Favourite delivery route?   I always look forward to doing the Lake District routes to places like Ulverston. The scenery is beautiful.

Favourite view in the Forest of Bowland?   I really enjoy the views from the northern edge of Bowland, looking up towards the Lakeland Fells from the top of the Cross of Greet pass.

Favourite pub in the Bowland area?  I really enjoy the lively atmosphere and the huge range of beers available in the Beer Hall at Holmes Mill.